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re: carbo loading products
Just in case there's anyone out there who missed this gem. Of course
this is how the leaders can do 100 miles -- traveling for hours and
hours at a (comparatively) low energy output -- and still have enough
gas left to race flat out for the finish. The key is that gas is stored
in a different tank!
> > Have you ever seen the muscle biopsy studies demonstrating that a horse can
> > work for hours, come back exhausted, and still have nearly 100% of the initial
> > glycogen content in FT muscle cells--it's a horse study, one of the early
> > ICEEPs, Sweden or San Diego.
> Depending on the type of exercise, that's not too surprising---sustained
> endurance type exercise will preferentially deplete the slow twitch
> fibers with little depletion occurring in the FT. During hard, intense
> exercise, it'll be the other way around.
Keep this discussion going, guys, we're enjoying it!
- Abby Bloxsom
using only slow twitch muscles on my keyboard
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