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Re: Carbo loading products

Roger wrote:

>Karen et- all
>I will most likely not post my study -- SUCCESSFUL-- on the use of
>carbos.. for what reason?? to get flamed by Dr all
>sorry - but you do really like to post alot of negitive comments about
>something you have not ever tested..

    I am a relative newcomer to endurance. I read everything I can find and
listen to everyone I can to learn about how to help my horse succeed and
stay healthy. I have tried several things in feeding which didn't work, as
you may have read in my previous posts.
    I would love to learn about carbos. Several of you guys obviously know
what you are talking about. I wish you would just publish your facts, your
studies, your experiences, etc. I would love to learn from you. All of us
peons with lower degrees (just joking) could maybe understand a table of
results from a study or a documentation of experience with horses on the
stuff. Plain English would help. (I remember when I went through EMT school
once that most people didn't know that a "convoluted open fracture of the
humerus" was just a broken arm.) Please do share your knowledge, facts, and
experiences, and let us all learn. Thanks. I value your input.

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