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New AERC member

I've done it.  Took advantage of the Sundowner offer -- would have joined
sometime soon anyway.

I've learned so much from all of you, including the arguments. <bg>  Thanks
for all the help, direct and indirect, over the past ten months.  No books
or tapes could have provided so much info.

My gelding and I have yet to do enough conditioning for a 50
(new-guy-in-the-herd injury to him, nasty saddle problems, injury to me,
work that takes me out of town much of the time), but at least we've had
lots of tendon and ligament work [read as:  many, many miles of walking,
with some trotting and an occasional canter].

I look forward to meeting at least some of you on the trail in the coming
years -- look for my Ridecamp bandana!

Cindy Eyler AERC #M19761
(still have to register my boy Jack)

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