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Re: Clearing trail

How about talking to your local 4-H groups?  Especially the horse clubs but
then there are often groups of kids working with a grant or something who are
trying to  find and complete environmental projects for community service.

Alison Farrin wrote:

>  Heidi wrote:=20
> Unfortunately, Bob makes a good point here.  I don't know of too many =
> other
> mid-40's ladies such as myself who will load up a pack horse with =
> chainsaw,
> saw gas, etc., and take off alone, ponying said pack horse down the =
> trail for
> a dawn-til-dusk day clearing trail.  I was heartened several months ago =
> when
> Debby Lyons talked about a light model of chain saw that she can carry =
> easily
> on her saddle.  Ladies, if we want our trails, we have to roll up our =
> sleeves
> and do the work.  Otherwise, the powers that be will do all they can to =
> close
> trails that are not maintained...
> [Alison Farrin]  Well, you will find me (mid-40's lady) out several =
> times in the spring clearing trail - but I drag along a troop of Boy =
> Scouts.  May I suggest that those of you who need help clearing trails =
> approach your local Boy Scout Roundtable which meets every month and has =
> representatives from all the troops in the district there.  the scouts =
> get service hours credit and if you take them out on a 5 or 10 mile hike =
> to get to wherever you are clearing trail they get credit for that too.  =
> Its a good way to get lots of help when you are clearing trail
> Alison Farrin
> The Hirsch Company/Innovative Pension Design

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