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Re: Purina Athlete

I have had good luck with Opt E Horse which also has vitamin E in it.  Can't get
Fastrack around here.

Susan Evans Garlinghouse wrote:

> Jerry & Mary Fields wrote:
> > Thank you, Susan. When I tried corn oil, he would not eat the grain in which
> > I mixed it. What are probios? Is there a brand name?
> > Mary
> Alot of horses don't like the taste or feel initially.  Try adding just
> a small dollop to the grain and increasing it very slowly.  Make sure
> the oil is absolutely fresh by buying it in fairly small amounts or
> pouring it from a big container into smaller jugs and exposing it to
> heat, light and air as little as possible.
> Probios are a general term for probiotics, which are live cultures of
> the microbial species that normally populate the horse's digestive
> system and are responsible for fermentation and digestion of fiber and
> some simple carbohydrates.  The theory is maximize the efficiency of the
> bug population, and thereby increase feed efficiency.  There's some
> pretty good research and lots of anecdotal reports to support it's use.
> My personal favorite is still Fastrack, though I'm trying out a few
> others.
> Susan G

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