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Fwd: Enviornmentalists

In a message dated 9/28/98 11:05:02 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< this is not environmentally sensitive. BCH leave no trace says put your
 back in the trailer and take it with you.
  >>I don't know about this.....where did the horses of yesteryear leave
their...well, "stuff"? Where does all the wildlife leave its 'stuff"? I
consider that there is a huge difference between...excrement.... and trash or
leftover food or any such human..."stuff". While there have been times we
literally packed out everything we acked in - no matter HOW we packed it in -
I always thought that packing out manure was a little extreme. Just thinking
out loud...

---- Begin included message ---- writes:
> manure and hay was scattered nicely

this is not environmentally sensitive. BCH leave no trace says put your manure
back in the trailer and take it with you.

back to lurking,

liz johanson
cascade ridge runners
lazy j arabians
maple valley, washington, usa

---- End included message ----

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