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Re: damp electrolytes


Don't cook them.  We wouldn't want you to break you streak of days not
baking :-).  Freeze them.  Put them in the freezer with the top remove -
but be careful cauz they are a mess to clean up.  After a few days put
the top on and put them in the frig to warm up.  

Then you can bag them cold and they will stay dry, even in 100% humidity
FL summers.


Angela C. McGhee wrote:
> Hey everybody...that means you lurkers to, how can you keep your
> electrolytes from clumping up?
> I've been buying them in very small amounts and keeping the container
> sealed, putting them in baggies...but they get all clumped up.  If you
> want to know the one thing that'll make me go ballistic it's a jammed
> syringe when it's my out time!
> I've got them in the kitchen now.  I put one batch of Enduro-Max in the
> coffee grinder and ground the heck out of them.  Made a very fine powder,
> but it even wanted to clump up as I dug it out.  The ABC's are
> practically like a clump of brown sugar.  I thought I'd put them in the
> grinder, but then I even considered spreading them out on a pan an BAKING
> them for awhile to dry them out! (That would be the most cooking I've
> done lately :-)  Do you think that would hurt the contents?  Is there
> sugar in there that might melt and make it really bad?  Has anybody ever
> tried storing them with one of those little bags that comes packed in
> products to keep humidity out?
> I live in Humidity Central USA.  This is a problem.  Packing for the ride
> now, give me some advice!
> Angie & Kaboot (who noticed all the activity around the trailer and is in
> the FAR corner of the field trying to be very small)
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Truman Prevatt
Mystic “The Horse from Hell” Storm
Rocket a.k.a. Mr. Misty
Jordy a.k.a. Bridger (when he is good)
Danson Flame - hey dad I'm well now and ready to go!

Brooksville, FL

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