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Insurance For Endurance Horses

Attn: Mr. Doyle Patrick
cc: Ride Camp

Dear Doyle:

I insured my registered Arabian gelding the first year I owned him.  I
stopped insuring him when I could not afford to purchase insurance for
both of us.

I am now again going to insure him for major medical & mortality. 
What used to cost me $250 per year will now cost me close to $800 (an
estimate, and I'm still shopping).  AND there is the issue of the
$1000 deductible.

If AERC offered a competitively priced association package, I would
buy it ESPECIALLY if I knew that AERC benefitted in some way by
offering its members a group policy.

This e-mail is to encourage AERC to try to put something together.  I
know that it may take a while for it to become a reality.

May I suggest that AERC publish a single-page survey or questionnaire
in Endurance News to gain an indication of the type of support you may
see from your membership?

Better yet, do the magazine survey AND have your extremely talented
web wizards construct an ONLINE interactive survey.

I would be happy to help AERC design the survey form.  (Hey, Doyle,
somebody's volunteering for something!  Watch Out!)

AND RIDECAMP:  Please, subscribers and lurkers, if you can come up
with a GOOD reason why the AERC should NOT offer an equine group
insurance product, would you contact them?

If you cannot think of a good reason WHY NOT, then would you contact
AERC and offer your support, at least for the survey concept.  It
would be a good idea to know in advance what level of market support
for an equine insurance product exists today.

Thanks, all
Susie Wimberly
EA Tezzeray - my only horse.
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