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Re: Trails Fund

I will donate $500 (which I will raise) to an AERC Trails Endowement 
Fund or Restricted Fund if they will establish such and *pay out* 5% of 
that total fund per year in projects throuhout the US. If it is a 
restricted fund I would expect them to pay out 85% of that fund per 
year and keep 15% for administrative costs. It would be good to have 
both established.

The places that I have been able to play on horseback and/or foot have 
become smaller and smaller. We need to lobby, purchase, educate, be seen 
and heard, and provide information to our representatives in order to 
keep or expand what we need to go long distances.

I challenge all of you to may a similar committment to Trails and our 
sports. I challenge all of you to take this issue to others that are 
not on the internet and get them to make similar committments. You can 
email Connie Berto privately with your pledges and let her use those to 
lobby the Board with her request for structure or funds.

Steve Shaw

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