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	I have bred a number of Arabian horses (Crabbet).  My first 5 foals were
colts and I kept them uncut until their 2 year old year hoping someone
would like them as potential stallions.  I was told it made them more
marketable.  I can tell you that 2 year old stud colts are the worst beings
on earth.  I remember one year my stallion left the ranch for training and
left behind an 8 month old son who thought he would take over for dad while
he was gone.  What a handful!  My stallion is very nice and mannered, but I
am sure he was a jerk as a youngster.  It is all hormones and no brain! 
This last colt I gelded at 6 months.  He is as big as his full brother -
maybe bigger - and just as healthy.  He is leading a happy and productive
life and so is his owner.  I am enjoying him more that any colt born on the
place!  I am enjoying him so much, I might even keep him forever. 
Unfortunately, there is a glut of horses and studs on the Arabian market in
California.  Even established breeders are struggling.  In my area,
everybody has a backyard stallion which makes it difficult for anyone to
make ends meet.  I hate the act of gelding.  It is not a pretty surgery
with much finesse.  It is rather brutal even.  However, we need to do more
of it if the wonderful Arabian breed is to survive.  My little colt is 2
now and has been raised with his half-sister and is turned out with the
other horses.  He is a happy camper, indeed.  Follow your vet's advice
regarding aftercare and timing (not during fly season) of the gelding and
everything should be OK.    

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