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Accelerated Learning Curve

Glenda summarized one of the best attributes of RideCamp......the
Accelerated Learning Curve Ratio!

"This is why it took me 6 months of effort and planning, in  addition to
training, before I attempted my first LD. "

This, in my opinion, is accelerated learning! RideCamp offers the elite
cream of the crop of learning experiences to assimilate into one's own
paradigm of horse ownership. Endurance is a totally different slant on
most other riding disciplines. You just can't learn this kind of stuff
'round the 'ole campfire!  (Okay, depends on who's stokin' it!)

To be able to do a "ride" after 6 months of
Excellent!  No doubt the experience was accomplished with the help of
more experienced riders (RideCamp).

It still cracks me up when ppl I (sometimes) ride with will glance
sideways at me and softly ask, "how long are we riding?"

Endurance IS a whole 'nuther slant on life!

Let's give the benefit of a doubt to those who do and those who just
            (just teasing)
Deanne Del Vecchio & Gabe
South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA

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