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Re: endurance subject-helmets

> Seems to me that anything related to safety while riding our horses is good
> topic of discussion.   Personally, I haven't thought too much about how many
> 'hits' a helmet can take.

Oh,,,,,sheesh.....I thought this discussion would pass me by because I've never
landed on my head when I've come off Gabe. (other parts of my body have healed
nicely, thank you)  However, I just had a helmet...the newest
one....I bought at AERC convention Feb. '97, has taken many hits by

Does anyone think a mild hit from a tree branch (obviously not hard enough to
knock me out of the saddle, or cause neck injury~~to which I am particulary
susceptible~~) warrents a helmet replacement?
Deanne Del Vecchio & Gabe~~who usually looks out for low-hanging branches
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