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eating while laying down

<<Last night I caught my horse lying down in the middle of the hay pile
eating.  I was just wondering if this is harmful in any way?   I had 
him out to graze on the back lawn after I took him for a nice long 
:-)....and he had wondered over to a loose bail of hay, pulled it down 
made a nice big mess out of it and lied down right smack in the middle 
chowed down.>>

My horse, Rudy, does this when he is feeling lazy.  The last ride I went
to he wasn't able to start (aprilfest) and after he finished spazing out
because his friend was leaving , he spent the rest of the day lying down,
relaxing in his pile of hay.  At lunch time I brought his bucket of grain
over tto him, and he ate his grain lying down!  I kept saying to people,
he really can go fast, really!  He does this at home sometimes, too,
especially when its hot out.

Libby & Rudy the laziest horse/rider team in the east (when not on an
adrenaline rush - moving, not sleeping - )

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