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How SLOW Can We Trot? [story]

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From: Dolly M. 

I've ridden my Arabians with a TWH mare twice - and they were the two worst trail rides of my life!  Had nothing to do with trotting fast or slow... it was simply that the rider and her horse had the worst trail manners I'd seen since I quit riding with high school kids!

My gelding actually kicked the TWH mare after he got terribly sick of her running up on his rear end... he'd never before (or since) kicked another horse when under saddle!

My mare got sick and tired of the other horse and rider leaving her, circling her and in general acting very silly.

Of course, to be polite, I begged off any further rides with the excuse that maybe it was the TWH gait that bothered my horses.  I certainly had no intention of forcing my horses or myself to put up with poor trail manners again.

I've since met several gaited horse owners who ride quite politely, and my horses have ridden quite happily with them. (thank Goodness!)


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