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Re: borium shoes

On Mon, 23 Mar 1998, CMKSAGEHIL wrote:

> Pavement is the one place that borium really works--people with parade horses
> also use it.  I still don't like the "grab" it causes for horses negotiating
> difficult terrain at speed, as our endurance horses do.

Many cities also do not like the "grab" that borium causes when horses
parade down their streets as it tears up the pavement; therefore, many
parades do not allow participants to have borium on their horses shoes.

Orange County, Calif.


I board and my stable does NOT want shoes with borium on the concrete, plus
I've been told (anyone have any different experience?) that borium can
scruff up a horse that likes to tuck a hoof underneath it's body when it
snoozes. Plus, again I've heard this, (and it's a rule at the stable...but
tell me different if its a wive's tale!) that a horse (in a pasture
situation with other horses) that's got borium or studs on the back end
finds handy weapons available that can do some real damage if they connect.


Monika, Koko (eventers only) and Ripp (barefoot right now)

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