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RE: Sciatica

Just a little comment on sciatica.  My suggestion is to look at your body 
mechanics.  Most every soft tissue and even structure caused incident is 
traced back to the way we move (or don't).  (For all those flamers out 
there, notice I said MOST!)  Repetitious and habitual movement will cause 
us to be unsymmetrical, thus increasing the odds of injury to occur because 
the body was asked to move (or not) in a different way then what it is used 
to. Lots of ways to make the problem better but by analyzing the way we 
move, we can prevent every having a problem!

-----Original Message-----
From:	L Eisele []
Sent:	Friday, March 06, 1998 9:33 PM
To:	Everett, Robin
Cc:	Ridecamp
Subject:	Re: Sciatica

     Robin, I too have terrible sciatica down my right leg and am
feeling it now with the little snow shoveling I did.  I have lower back
problems but only recently found out that the sciatica has caused me to
lose some of the strength in my right leg and in lessons had a hard time
keeping my right leg quiet and my knee against the saddle.  I use to
have a better seat but now trying thru exercises to get the strength in
my right leg so as to be balanced  when I ride.  I also see a chiro but
would appreciate any advice as it is taking a toll on my ability to ride
the way I should.

Linda Eisele & Sareei and
hubby, Allen & LS Iceman
& the young LS Lakota

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