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Trainer "bashing"

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From: Polly 


I was doing a search for information on PNH training...and found a message about a Parelli "grad" who abused a woman's horse.

I'm not siding with any side--except that of the horse.

I wasn't there--so I don't know FOR SURE what happened...but I wanted to include my 2 cents worth.

ANTI-Deb the trainer people:  Were you there at the clinic when this woman used the carrot stick on the horses face?  Probably not.  Have you ever been bitten by a horse?  probably not.  I have.  And it hurts.  I have a young gelding who used to play the biting game...and a few smacks to his nose took care of it.  He's NOT headshy...CONSTANT head abuse will create a headshy horse...

Also, ANTI-Deb the trainer people:  Do you send your kids to the sitters without references?  Do you just ASSUME (makes and ASS out of U and ME, by the way) that your kids are being taken care of properly just because someone SAYS they are?  I THINK NOT.  And if you do, you're stupid.  Prior to "dropping" my horse off, I would have written up feed information, medical information, emergency information, AND I would have made unannounced visits to the barn to be sure my horse was taken care of.  YOUR negligence caused your horse's've nobody to blame but yourself.

PRO Deb the trainer people: I DO think that Deb should have acted in a more PROFESSIONAL manner...since that is what she claims to be.  Being a "cowboy" to the bone is NO excuse for being rude and insensitive.  Deb must keep in mind that she is in business because of people who send her their horses...kind of like the baseball player who won't sign baseballs for little kids...who eventually grow up into PAYING adults...get what I'm saying here?????  REGARDLESS of what was being said to her, REGARDLESS of the accusatory tone that may have been dished to her...she should have remained diplomatic and LISTENED before getting into an argument.  She should take responsiblity for HER actions AND those of her employees--otherwise, she may be looking for work in another field.  Burning bridges isn't a wise thing to do.  

Sorry for the length of this, but I wanted to make my points clear.

P.S.  I certainly hope that ALL parties involved have taken an HONEST look at what THEY did to cause a poor animal pain.....makes one wonder who the REAL animals are....

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