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Re: wide gait in hind end

On Wed, 21 Jan 1998 04:20:43 EST CMKSAGEHIL <> writes:
>Yes, it is true that most horses tend to travel wider as they get 
>fitter, and
>yes, they tend to do it more when climbing.  However, some simply do 
>it more
>naturally than others, tend to do it some from the start, do it more 
>and do it more consistently and efficiently.  You can feel it from the
>saddle--they kind of "drop" into high gear.  In being a ride vet 
>forever, I
>have come to associate it more with strong, sound horses than with 
>horses with
>tendon problems.
>Heidi Smith, DVM--Sagehill Arabians (Oregon)
You're making me feel better all the time.  By the way, I noticed my
farrier maticulously turning the extra heel of Kaboot's front shoe, and
rasping at the edges, trying to give him that little bit of extra length,
without making it a target for the rear hoof to grab.  I said, "Bruce,
have you ever seen him really trot?"  He said , "I don't remember".  So I
proceeded to trot him out, and after commenting that he left tracks like
a rabbit, he didn't worry so much about his rear grabbing a shoe.


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