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wild horses shot

The reward money is now over $35,000 coming in from all over the world
(according to Reno Gazette-Journal) Thursday, Dec. 31, 1998.

What makes this slaughter so sick is that many of these horses crawled away
on shattered legs, one mare was shot several times while giving birth.
This was more than just target practice.  Felonies are planned with prison
terms of from 2 to 7 years for each horses.  Money talks and that is what
is going to find these people.  These are part of the herds those of you
who ride the VC 100 might see.  If you want to offer financial suppport:
Virginia Range Wildlife Protection Association, PO Box 996, Virginia City,
NV  89440.  Whether you are a fan of estrays or not, these people are sick
according to the psychologists' view and could just as easy turn on humans.
 This person or persons continued to kill while animals suffered right
around them.  Quote"This is someone who takes pleasure in the pain of other
creatures", so stated Ole Theinhaus, chair of the Psychology Dept. of the U
of NV., likening this person to Jeffrey Dahmer who began his career
torturing and killing animals.

West Region

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