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No John, that was not Monika, that was me. I was getting tired of
hogging all of the cold weather so I thought I would share some with
you. But you know you could return the favor and send me some warm
weather when you get it. :-)

Lynette in ND where it is -3 F at noon. 
PS for you southern people who are just getting your first tastes of
really cold weather there is an advantage to cold weather. When it
startes to warm up it feels like spring. As cold and windy as it has
been here, -3F with no wind feels pretty warm. :-)

John B. Ayers wrote:
> That "Wicked Witch of the North" (Monika Smith?)
> sent us some more cooooold weather (minus 14 F,
> minus 26 C) so we're taking a day off from conditioning
> for our January 23rd CTR.
> We have a wood fire going in the old fashioned cook
> stove, and it's cozy indoors.
> It seems like a good time to thank Steph
> Treeter and all the great people on Ridecamp who
> helped so much this past year.
> Happy New Year!!!!
> John and Meshack (HE is in by the fire, not ME!!!)
> (Vermont Equestrian Activities)

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