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Re: Who Was on the US Squad?

 There was a lot of second guessing about who
>got selected to the team in the first place, and now this?  I wonder 
>they *wanted* to be on the team?  (Maybe they didn't want to because
>it had implications for how the purse would have had to be 

I would guess it had far more to do with the idea of riding
conservatively to make sure a full team finished.  If I remember
correctly, Becky Hart & Rio rode as individuals also.  I don't think the
Kanaveys would worry much about the money.  It's not just that they are
well off just doesn't seem to be the driving force in what
they do.  

Also, wasn't it rumored that Jedi had a mild tie-up earlier in the week? 
What little international experience I had, it became obvious that for
team members they wanted CONSISTANCY, team loyalty and an "all for one"
attitude.  I'm glad Valarie rode as an individual so she could go for it
without any worries for overall team completion rate.  I just think it's
"So American" to go for the individual gold.  In our country it's the
individuals who take risks who are rewarded.  I like that.  If I want to
be on a team, I want a a ballglove on my left hand. :-)  That's not to
take anything away from the team members.  I can't imagine having to deal
with ANOTHER worry at that level of competition.  It's bad enough to let
yourself down...but to be worried that you'd let your team members down
would be gut wrenching.

Angie McGhee & Kaboot
Wildwood, GA

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