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Dubai, awards ceremony

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From: Garry 


They might have the money to host a World championships but does that mean
we should let them buy it.  I'm probably wrong but from what I have read
the UAE are keen to host the World Championships permanently.  

Its seems rather strange to me coming from a sporting background of Surf
Life Saving & Olympic class Kayaking.  Endurance Riding had all the
qualities that I had with SLS.  A family sport, a social sport where people
of all standards of athletic ability could be involved.  A very changeling
rewarding sport that also catered for the more serious competitor.  A sport
where life long friendships can be made with people that you would have
normally never met.  A sport where you can compete as part of a team one
day or as an individual the next.  But you are never an individual in
endurance riding.   Most if not all riders, strappers and crew are more
proud of there four legged friend than they are of themselves.  I have won
state and national titles as an individual and as part of a team and its
the team victories that still many years later warm my soul.  Success is
far more sweet at any level when it can be shared.  We can go to a ride and
most our club can vet out but if one of us has a win or good ride we are
happy and all share in the victory.  

Sorry if I'm babbling but a writer I will never be.  What I'm trying to say
is that in my opinion I can not see Endurance Riding becoming the sport of
Kings and at the same time retaining the elements that are the reasons for
us being involved in the sport in the 1st place.   

When I nod off to sleep tonight with one or two wines under my belt (beer
was warm) that always give me pleasant dreams.  I may see myself riding the
best conditioned horse or winning horse at the Quilty,  Tevis Cup or maybe
even the World Championships.  But in my dream the presentation will take
place amongst fellow riders, strappers, supporters, family and friends.  We
will probably be at ride base camp amongst the trees. We will have a drink
or three and through the celebrations I will wonder off from time to time
to spend a few quite moments with my steed.

To those who would rather the 5 star hotels, the 50,0000 screaming people
and lazer light shows take no offence, but its not for me and I have not
being to a five start international hotel yet that will welcome my team
mate, my horse.  I must admit I'm a new commer to the sport and may have
the wrong impression.

` | \____\\
 _(      ) \    Garry Byrne
 \-\~~~_|\  \     'Belar' Mudgee. 
 `  \ `   \  `      New South Wales. 

PS. And yes I did steal the horse off someone, thanks

At 05:16 PM 12/12/98 +1000, Anne wrote:
>Still don't know the BC, but more info and a confirmation that we did get
>the bronze!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Steph Teeter <>
>To: <>
>Date: Saturday, 12 December 1998 16:52
>Subject: Dubai, awards ceremony
>>Hi group,
>>Believe it or not, I still don't know much! It's just incredible.
>>I *think* the BC award went to one of the UAE horses. At
>>the presentation awards, there were 3 horses left in contention,
>>2 UAE horses and the Italian horse. The awards ceremony
>>last night in Abu Dhabi was an incredible production - they
>>called it an 'Operetta' - it was a dance, music, lightshow
>>extravaganza. 50,000 people in attendance. Fireworks,
>>Arabian horses, camels, singers, etc. Absolutely amazing.
>>But the actual awards and announcements were lost to most
>>of us. The military had the area gaurded since His Highness
>>and his family, and the other Sheiks were in attendance. We
>>viewd the presentation of awards on tv screens placed high
>>in the stadium arena. It was conducted in Arabic (minimal
>>and inneffective transation). When Valerie's win was announced
>>the entire stadium was booing and hissing ... a little scary.
>>The cheering for the Nationals was deafening though.
>>And sad news for Belgium - they did not receive the Bronze
>>afterall - the times were re-evaluated and the Bronze was
>>awarded to Australia.
>>Congratulations to the Australians!
>>(But oh the Belgians were devastated).
>>After the awards extravaganza in Abu Dhabi, there was
>>another awards ceremony at the Jazirra hotel. I didn't
>>know about it (you can't believe how difficult it is to
>>know what's going on!) and went back to the hotel, but
>>I spoke to Hall Hall this morning, he said they finished
>>at 3AM, with an award for everybody!
>>I still can't find a copy of the official results, yesterday
>>before the buses left for Abu Dhabi, the officials were
>>given a copy which I saw breifly.
>>The official websites - the UAE site, and the SmartVision
>>sites ONLY have results from other rides which were held here
>>recently. There is nowhere that the WEC results are posted.
>>If you go to the UAE endurance page, the results of the Nov 11
>>ride are posted...
>>I'll post more later when I feel that I am able.

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