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Re: GPS to calculate mileage

Actaully altitude is quite eaisly measured from space given the
appropriate sensors.  Many military measure altitude using GPS.  The
USGS is currently resurveying the US using stero imagry and stero radar
from space based sensors.


Kirsten Price wrote:
> Well.... don't want to get too far into the technical conversation on
> GPS.  But, as a geologist... I use my Garmin ALL the time.  Suffice it
> to say that while I am quite comfortable placing a sample within 10
> meters accuracy in the x,y...... z is another story. I'd say Duncan's
> explanation was pretty good.  The bottom line is that elevation is a
> darn hard thing to measure from a satellite basically because it's
> looking down the same axis it's measuring.  Quite frankly, if you've got
> a decent topo and know where you are..... you are probably better off
> using the elevation from the topo.

Truman Prevatt
Mystic “The Horse from Hell” Storm
Rocket a.k.a. Mr. Misty
Jordy a.k.a. Bridger (when he is good)
Danson Flame - hey dad I'm well now and ready to go!

Brooksville, FL

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