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apple cider vinegar

I was interested to see the comments on cider vinegar.  I'm not sure 
about the ability of small amounts of this acid to promote sweating 
or in arthritis. Perhaps the vinegar, or some breakdown product, aid 
in the evaporation of sweat, which would increase cooling.  
Interesting.   I have seen no studies that have looked at these 
 However I am curious about the purported mineral content of 
apple cider vinegar.  Since the vinegar is made from apples, which 
are poor sources of both vitamins and minerals, how do these 
nutrients end up in the vinegar?  Apple cider vinegar 
contains 1 mg of calcium, 15 mg of potassium, 0.1 mg of iron and 1 mg 
of phosphorous per tablespoon.  I think you'd have to eat a lot of 
vinegar to make any substantial nutrition contribution.  Having grown 
up in NY's apple country, though, I personally prefer it's taste to 
any other type of vinegar!

 Beth Glace, MS Sports Nutritionist

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