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Re: Carolina 30/50/100 results-Longevity

> Hey all just back.  Good ride.  Lots of big time things for people to
> celebrate!  First:  Susan Kasemeyer finished and got her horse Royal Run
> Amir's 7000 miles!  Way cool way to go mom!  Next:  Anne Ayala with her finish
> got her wonderful "old" man (Beau) Overlook Nuryev's 3000 miles.  Stagg Newman
> with Ramegwa Drubin's finish in the 100, made their 10th year in a row for
> finishing a 100 miler.  So, the champagne was flowing!

No doubt this has been discussed before, so forgive the repeat.  But
what goes into keeping a horse happy and sound for so many miles (7000,
3000 etc.)?  I'd like to be able to do this for my horse.  Do these
horses tend to finish in the middle of the pack, for instance, rather
than top ten?

Karen Gehringer
Ormond Beach, Fl

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