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Re: Ride fees

Last summer I rode on a 15 mile ''fun'' ride--mainly to keep my friend
company.  While I certainly had no ideas of ever doing endurance myself, I
thought it would be fun to get out and see new trails.  The fee was only 15
dollars, which is comparable to poker rides in this area.   However, I would
not have paid more than that just to see what it was all about since I had
no more than a passing interest in the sport. Never, never did I think
edurance madness could be so easily transmitted, or I would have remained in
quaratine back at my safe little barn.

Although here in the PNW --particularily in Washington where I live--rides
are being cancelled, I joined AERC because I felt I was going to benefit in
the long run by doing so.  One of these benefits is being able to belllyache
about higher fees and do agree with those who feel it will keep new people
from trying the sport.  I know that I'm not the only one lured into the
endurance net just by trying out a little ''fun'' ride for starters.

Gay and little Buddy

The fee for this ride was 15 dollars which is comparable to poker rides in
this area, so I had no qualm with the entry fee.  However, I would never
have paid 25 to 30 dollars to

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