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All this discusssion re helmets has just awakened the old arguements
here in SA. We have long complained about the fact that 70 to 80 percent
of the riders do not wear helmets and this has been debated back and
forth for a long time.. BUT , finally, ERASA has made helmets compulsory
for ALL rides, not just FEI sanctioned ones for next season. Believe me
thare are going to be lots of complaints - especially from the mucho
cowboy types, and maybe from some ladies who do not like the resulting
hair style after having a helmet on...but sometimes a rule has to be
enforced and not just left to peoples common sense - for example seat
belts in cars!!

Cindy Budler
  Fabrication Division
  Tel: (011) 871-1006
  Fax:(011) 873-4623
  E-Mail :

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