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Tripping and rider injury

You can injure yourself if you are not set just right and try to hold
the horse.  About 14 years ago my mare tripped.  I hyperextended both
arms, and she hit the left one pretty hard.  I felt something give in
my back, but it didn't hurt.  A day or two later I helped my brother
move, carrying lots of boxes.  The next day I was in agony.  Appar-
ently I tore the trapezius (sp?) muscle partially from its moorings down 
my the scapula.  I still cannot carry anything of much weight 
with my left arm, or the scar tissue tears, and the cycle of inflam-
mation, pain, and a painful stiff neck starts again.  (A sports mas-
sage therapist helped a lot by breaking down some of the scar tissue
so it wouldn't keep tearing.)  

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