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Re: Real endurance riders and the Ore.Dunes Ride results

Well, Gail told it like it was--I just went to crew for hubby Paul Pedersen,
and as my Endurance Corollary to Murphy's Law states, at rides, if an extra
warm body shows up, there will always be a job for him/her to do.  I ended up
timing and helping with paperwork, while Tony went on about other necessary
ride-manager stuff.  He had a good crew, though, and all of the locals that
helped was really excited about the ride.  Gail was right that the steak was

Must say that some endurance folks are REAL gluttons for punishment--in
addition to hubby Paul, there were three others who had just completed our
Circuit Rider Ride-in-the-Snow two weeks earlier--Ramona Thacker, Lee Dowers,
and Roxi Anderson.

This ride sure adds some variety to our Oregon schedule--we have some fabulous
rides here, but haven't had one on the coast for years.  It will be on our
list of must-do rides next year, and I hope I have a horse ready to go so I
can ride on the beach, too, instead of just hiking over the sea wall to watch
the surf in the storm!


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