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Re: LONG disertation (sic) on freedoms

Yes, Teddy, we do have delete buttons.  But many of us get the 
digest.  Want to know what Digest V98 #94 contained?

ridecamp-d Digest				Volume 98 : Issue 942

Today's Topics:
  Brazil Clinic Day III & IV            [ "Vaccari" < ]
  LONG disertation on freedoms          [ Teddy Lancaster <Teddy@runningbear. ]
  Re: River Run Results?                [ ]
  Sears Whoo Ha                         [ "Vaccari" < ]

The first message was 140+ lines followed by about the same about of 

Then there was your message.

This was followed by a very short message.

Finally there was another message of moderate length that was 
completely repeated in HTML.

Pretty worthless and very irritating.  And it was 85KB!  This HTML 
stuff is happening more and more.  As for content - I defer to Steph. 
I can bypass the messages not of interest - if they aren't repeated 
numerous times.


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