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Re: Wintecs vs. Thorowgoods

I have tried both the Wintec and Thorowgood, also
a Martin which is similar, All three saddles seem to
stand up under the wear and tear of competitive riding.
I'm a leather person and after tryng all these saddles 
went back to leather. None of the saddles broke down
and the riders I sold them to love them.I'm talking three
years to eleven years. It is a matter of taste and fit. I found
also the way I ride standing forward these saddles gave my
horses wear marks in the cantle area. Both horses. So you
have to consider how you feel in it and how the horses back
does with it. It seems saddles are one of the biggest problems
in this sport. Right now I have three horses , each with their 
own saddles, it makes them happy, I would like to have one
that would fit all three and me. Hope this helps.


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