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One more question -- I have a trainer working my horse currently, as I have a broken collar bone from falling on the trail.  She told me yesterday that he was not able to balance with her and the saddle on him when she collected him the first time in the ring after 3 weeks of ground driving.  He kept stumbling sideways at the walk (i.e. his front legs hitting each other) and she said she felt like he would go down, so she's waiting to talk to shoer and get his feet redone before riding again.  He does not do this without a rider, but does get draggy feet after being worked on the lunge line for awhile.  Has anyone heard of this problem or had any similar experiences? 
P.S.  She warned me against talking to people about this before we address his feet because I might get all kinds of ideas in my head and panic, but I am very worried already.

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