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AERC Drug Rule

Until sometime in the late 1980's, the following was printed on the back
of the AERC Ride Sanction Form:


The medications listed below are presented as a guideline as examples of
stimulants, depressants, anesthetics, anti-inflammatory agents and drugs
that interfere with chemical analysis for recovery of prohibited drugs,  
This information is not intended to appear as a complete list of

STIMULANTS:  amphetamine, apomorphine, dexadrine, caffeine,
desoxyphedrine, ephedrine, coramine, metrazol, nux vomica, benzedrine,
ritalin, epinepherine, etc.
DEPRESSANTS:  narcotics, barbituates, tranquilizers, chloral hydrate,
morphine derivatives and substitutes, phenothiazine, and its derivatives,
ANESTHETICS:  zylocaine, butacaine, carbocaine, benzocaine, procaine,
etc.  Note that procaine is commonly included with penicillin.
ANTI-INFLAMMATORY:  butazolidin, phenylbutazone, oxyphenbutazone, arquel
(meclofenamic acid), Equiproxen (Naproxen), etc.
OTHER:  steroids and corticosteroids such as cortisone, hydrocortisone,
prednisone, prenisolone, methylprednisolone, flouroprednisolone, and
dexamethasone, etc.; polyethylene glycol (a drug carrier); etc.

You should assume that all of the above, plus their close relatives, are
prohibitted.  Also, there have been some additions since that time, such
as some alternative methodologies, etc. that obviously won't test but
just the same are prohibitted. Conversely, there are some nutraceuticals
that don't test, and are not prohibitted, such as the chondroitan
sulfates, glucosamines, and their relatives...although it would be
illegal to "inject" any of the above once the horse has been vetted in
and before the horse has received a completion.

 Because tests are becoming more sophisticated, the AERC procedure for
follow up on all positive drug tests requires that the information go to
the Vet Committee for their evaluation of the levels of the findings. 
The VC then sends its assessment  to the P&G Committee and it is then
determined if a protest will be lodged.  If the levels found in a
positive test are determined to be so low that they are *not of
therapeutic value*, it is unlikely that a protest would proceed.  

Hopefully, this check and balance system will protect both the integrity
of the AERC Drug Policy and the integrity of a member whose horse may
test positive weeks (and maybe months) after given a drug.

As further clarification, I hope that a member of our Vet Committee will
address this issue.

Randy Eiland    
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