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Unofficial WEG Team

The selection process is very partial to light weight riders. They are more concerned
with what the horse-rider team did in the two years prior to the competition
rather than what they can do NOW. In my opinion, it is a very distorted process.
Until the selection decision is taken away from the closed door, back-room,
unaccountable, horse show mentality currently in place , the team selected will always be
suspect and the wisdom of the selection will continue to be questioned.
You will not see many men in the team  either.
One day, I hope, the selection will be made based on an objective process determined
by the performance of the riders on specific races. Then, and only then ,
will we be able to say that the team selected is the absolute best that can
be assembled and there will not be any argument as to who deserves to be
in the team. They will have WON their place in it.
Having said all this, I also have to express great respect for the ability of
all who made the team and I wish them the BEST OF LUCK AND SUCCESS.
Carlos Crespo
>Wow.  Anyone else notice the nearly complete lack of male representation on
>the long list?  Have we (males) been watching too much Monday Night
>or is this another female conspiracy to take over the world... ?
>Seriously, why are men not doing better in the standings?
>Mike Sofen
>Seattle, WA

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