Re: Pregnant Mares

Sheree D Nikstaitis (
Sat, 22 Nov 1997 12:04:32 -0800

I do not agree with competeing with foals at foot, either BUT if the ride
was a relatively non treacherous terrain (i.e. flat) and only a 25 miler,
I think it would be ok as long as the rider knew the mare well and was
relatively experienced with babies. It would certainly be educational for
the foal. As for the calcium imbalance, with mares in the first 7 months
of pregnancy I do not see this as a huge problem. Again, the rider MUST
know their horse, and vet's advice is certainly recommended. That is what
the whole discussion really boils down to is rider responsibility....

"Put something exciting between your legs.........ride an Arabian ! "

On Fri, 21 Nov 1997 10:53:08 +0200 "Budler, Cindy" <>
>Forgive the ignorance . but as far as I understand that the problem
>pregnant or just foaled mares and competition is the Calcium balance.
>The foal , and pregnancy, can absorb much of the calcium from the
>bones and leave the bones brittle and more liable to fractures , which
>can cause problems in competition and stress. Naturally it depends on
>the feeding and care etc of the mother. I cannnot agree with competing
>with foals at foot - it must be extremely stressful for mother and
>and can't be much fun all round!.
>Just by humble opinion..
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