ridecamp@endurance.net: Dear Remington.......

Dear Remington.......

SSY (polstar@hutchtel.net)
Thu, 2 Oct 1997 14:12:26 -0500

Dear Remington.

I hope my owner won't be to old to ride me in her first endurance ride.
congratulations. As I am only 2 and have about 5 more years to go. She
will be taking the electrolytes and honey. Or is there something called
Geratall the old girl can take. We will see who needs the

Nonni (The Icelandic gelding, the younger man with an older woman.)


>Oldwaggy@aol.com wrote:
>> Remington, the 13.3 hh Icelandic gelding, has now completed 1,000 miles in
>> AERC 50 & 100 mile endurance rides. Although Icelandics traveled
>>accross the
>> country in the Great American Horse Race and the Pony Express in 1976, I
>> believe Remington is the first Icelandic to reach this milestone in regular
>> AERC competition. Many thanks to Terry Woolley Howe, Kim Fuess, Cherry
>> Stockton and others who honored Remington at last weekend's Manzanita
>> Endurance Ride by presenting him with a beautiful blanket embroidered with
>> words recognizing his achievement.
>> This aptly describes Remington. We will probably never go very fast, but he
>> has shown the willingness to go any distance over any terrain at any
>>time and
>> under any conditions. As different as he is, I believe he has earned the
>> right to be respected as a true endurance horse.
>> Me, I'll still call him a pony.
>> John Parke, Solvang, CA.
>Congratulations on your accomplishment! For me this is great to hear. I raise
>pinto ponies/Arab crosses. And I have fallen in love with ponies. Even the
>are tough. We had one pony foal born in 20 degrees below weather, (we did not
>even know the mare was breed, she wasn't suppose to be). She had the foal
>in an
>shelter but the little pinto colt had freezed dried before we found him. I put
>him and the mare in the insulated rabbit barn which had a temperature of 10
>degrees below zero and I rubbed him dry with a towel. 2 weeks later we had
>of the coldest weather that I can remember. The thermometer read 40
>degrees below
>zero with a wind chill below 100 degrees. All of my horses were shivering even
>though I had them all inside. But not this little foal who had lots of mamma's
>warm milk to drink. He never even froze an ear. I have been thinking of
>one of these crosses for my next endurance horse. She is almost 14 hands at a
>year and she has the nicest feet and legs of any horses that I have ever
>seen. I
>have been wondering about competing with her since she is smaller and I am
>But her mother is one of my favorite riding horses and she is only 13.3.
>But she
>is smooth and will go forever. The only thing that I do not like about her
>is her
>trot. But I am hoping that this filly will take after her father who has a
>smooth, flowing trot. She sure looks more arab then pony.
>Again Congratulations!!!!!
>Lynette and Old Dollar, the 9 year old Arab that will do anything I
>ask.But loves
>to play games.

The Space Cadet

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