The following was submitted by Ann King to the March,
1997, edition of Tennessee-Texas Style newsletter on the
ETW/RHA. Her quoted source was "Ford Motor Company,
via e-mail."
Auction: A popular social gathering where you can change
your horse from a liability to an asset
Colic: Gastrointestinal result of eating at horse-show food
Colt: What your mare gives you when you want a filly
Endurance ride: End result when your horse spooks and
runs away with you
Feed: Expensive substance used to manufacture manure
Fence: Decorative structure built to provide your horse
something to chew on
Grooming: Fine art of removing dirt from your horse's body
and applying it to your own
Hock: Financial condition of all horse owners
Longeing: Popular training method in which a horse
exercises his owner by spinning him in circles until dizzy
Pinto: Green coat pattern found on a freshly-washed gray
horse left unattended in the stall for 10 minutes
Rasp: Abrasive metal tool used to remove excess skin from
Stall: What your rig does at rush hour in an unfamiliar city
on the way to a horse show