ridecamp@endurance.net: RE moving to Oregon - David Roberts
RE moving to Oregon - David Roberts
sue riegel (riegels@cdsnet.net)
Fri, 08 Aug 1997 16:44:32 -0700
>Date: Fri, 8 Aug 1997 12:18:42 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <MAILER-DAEMON>
>To: <riegels@cdsnet.net>
>Subject: Returned mail: User unknown
>Auto-Submitted: auto-generated (failure)
>The original message was received at Fri, 8 Aug 1997 12:18:38 -0700 (PDT)
>from med-1119.dip.cdsnet.net []
>I live in So. Oregon (Medford area), and moved out here from Colorado
>(a terrible mistake and will be returning to Colorado soon). However....
>Take the northernmost route as you will be less likely to hit really
>hot weather. I'd travel early morning and late afternoon into the evening,
>as you'll hit hot weather and your horse will be more comfortable.
>If you have a 2-horse trailer, take the partition out so he can ride slanted
>or backwards or however he'll be most comfortable. Stop every 4 hours, and
>let him rest his legs (in the trailer or out). Most rest stops along the
>interstates allow you to unload
>critters, and I'd do so to provide him with water at each stop. Use your
>feed, and have enough to supply him the entire trip.
>Locate major fairgrounds along the route (AAA can assist you with this), as
>have stalls which can be rented for a night, which will allow your horse to
>really relax, roll, and generally unwind.
>Have your "traveling papers" with you so if you get stopped you'll have what
>you need: coggins test, registration papers, brand inspection.
>If you come through Salt Lake, go west to Winnemucca, cut north into
>Oregon, and come through Klamath Falls to the Medford area on Highway 140.
>Do Not Take either Highway 66, or the Green Springs road from K-Falls into
>Medford. They are dangerous roads for heavy vehicles and especially horse
>Have a safe trip. If you need assistance while in the Medford area, give me
>a call.
>At 06:36 AM 8/8/97 -0700, you wrote:
>>I am going to be moving from southern NM to southern OR in the next few
>>weeks. This is a family move complete with UHAUL and my trusty horse
>>Knucklehead. I have never traveled this far with a horse before, and since
>>I,m sure they won't let us take him into the hotel room, we'll have to make
>>some other arrangements. We'll be traveling up I-25 to Albuquerque, Salt
>>Lake City then heading west to Oregon.
>>A alternative is to head directly west and go through the LA madness, then
>>north up along the interstate. A little shorter perhaps.
>>I'm looking for anyone with experience with a over the road trip like this
>>while trailering a horse.
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