If the mare comes back to riding soundness (off with a rear
tendon injury 'til early '98), I will start her on Adequan
when we start back to riding. (I'd start her now but can't
afford it for a non-using horse, and my Arab will probably
need it in the near future.)
I'd try to localize the symptoms and then check that area for
arthritic problems.
and Picardia (Jiminy Click-it)
and Charlie (a little off on flexions but trots strong)
and Almendrado (no worries yet)
Sallijan Snyder, Santa Clara, CA | ==> I am not a speaker-for-Intel.
(408)765-9068 wrk (408)629-5909 hm | "Give me land, lots of land
Internet: jsnyder@td2cad.intel.com | Under starry skies above--
or sallijan@ix.netcom.com | Don't fence me in!"
*IZCC #42, ZONC #97043* | --Cole Porter