ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: "Clicking" downhill?

Re: "Clicking" downhill?

Ruth Bourgeois (ruthb@tdsi.net)
Fri, 08 Aug 1997 13:30:01 -0500

Jan Snyder wrote:
> My Peruvian mare clicks terribly and we think it's incipient
> arthritis in her shoulder(s). It's hard to localize, but
> doesn't seem to bother her much (she is the stoic sort, tho').

A few months back (May?) a friend noticed that her horse was making
clicking noises similar to what's been described in recents posts. I
asked about it and got back a couple of answers from ridecamp, which I
printed out and gave to her (but didn't keep copies myself). Anyway, the
experts said that this wasn't anything to be alarmed about and gave
explanations. You might want to check in the archives from earlier this
summer. My friend was relieved to know it wasn't anything serious and
has since done several competitive trail rides with her horse, with no
problems. In fact, as far as I know, the problem resolved itself and the
horse no longer makes these noises.

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