ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Tahoe Rim Ride

Re: Tahoe Rim Ride

DreamWeaver (karen@chaton.gardnerville.nv.us)
Sat, 26 Jul 1997 20:12:12 -0700

At 11:36 PM 7/25/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Hey! I wonder if Karen Chaton and the others will get a chance to run
>into President Clinton up at Lake Tahoe this weekend?

Nope, but we (Dorothy Beebe & I both) did run into trees. We should rename
the ride the "knee banger" ride <VBG>.

Happy Trails,

Karen...with an ice pack on her ever increasing in size leg...
& Rocky...150 miles...our 3rd 50 :-)


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Date: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 18:35:10 -0700
From: Nicco Murphy and Pat Hlavin <hlurphy@socal.wanet.com>
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To: "Glenda R. Snodgrass" <grs@consider.theneteffect.com>
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Subject: Re: horse treats
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Glenda R. Snodgrass wrote:

> I like to give Lakota a little treat of some kind every day after our
> ride, but sometimes I don't have an apple or carrot in the house.

We are lucky, particularly this time of the year, the trees are full of
fruit, apple season is coming to a close and pears will take over soon.
If we are lucky we will get a second crop of apples before the winter.
Then there's the oranges.

We found that the horses like those cheap Nabisco 'Nillas (vanilla
wafers). They get about four of these when they get home from a ride. A
large box lasts a long time.


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Cyberpony@aol.com wrote:

> Karen~
> Thanks for all the easy boot tips.
> I'll checkout the archives too.
> Looks like you've done plenty of miles in easy boots.
> One more question. . . How often do you have to replace them?

The label says that they last three times as long as steel shoes. Since
you take them off all the time, they seem to last a long time indeed.


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