ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: 25 mile rides (all my body can handle right now)

Re: 25 mile rides (all my body can handle right now)

Jacqueline Mansfield (jaxson@leopard.com)
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 09:32:40 -0600

I have had this pestering question I have been wanting to ask the list but
it makes me feel like a GIGANTIC WIMP to admit it, but here goes anyway...

I have done two 25 milers on my newbie 14 year old horse. I was thrilled
when he vetted and finished better at the last race than the first (we
finished our first race fine but #2 was even better). Our first race we
were 3rd from last and our second we were last. I am not concerned with
coming in last, I run my OWN race and I do not let other people or there
horse dictate how fast my horse and I go. I am estatic that my horse is
getting stronger and more in shape with each race but the problem is ME!!

After about 17 miles my ankles get really fatigued and I have a hard time
keeping them from rolling over in my Cloud (brand like EZ rider stirrups)
stirrups. I am afraid I am going to sprain an ankle if I am not careful. I
had to get off and walk my last mile or two at the last race because I hurt
so bad I was afraid I wouldn't be able to walk later if I stayed in the

I have a hard time with the downhill. Holding my weight back in the saddle
seems to fatigue my knees and ankles right quick. From the praise of the
rider comfort in the DeSoto saddles it may be that my saddle is to blame
but until I get my huge credit card debt paid down I can't afford any major
purchases, like a new saddle.

I work out at the gym AT LEAST 3 times a week doing a circuit of: 30
minutes with low tension on the stationary bike, 30 minutes average speed
on the stair master, and a cool down of 30 minutes of walking on the tread
mill. The stair master feels like it is strengthening my lower legs which
is the only thing I can think of that will help. I really like this
circuit, I look forward to doing it and I feel energized after I am done.

I am going to see the Doctor on Monday to have my knees checked out, just
to be on the safe side. I am looking forward to asking her opinion on my
exercise program and etc.

I haven't heard of anyone else complain about not being able to ride
farther because of their own limitations. I know 100 mile riders get tired
and sore but heck, I COULD NOT do 50 miles right now because my ankles and
knees couldn't handle it!

I thought the Cloud stirrups would answer my problems, and they do help,
but they haven't cured the problem 100%.

Does anyone else have this problem? What can I do to solve my ankle/knee

I LOVE endurance but I would rather putt around in the pasture or arena
and be able to walk years down the road then distance ride for today and be
crippled later.

Jacqueline Mansfield and Winza (why you holding us back Mom?? I feel GREAT!!)

Author owned by Winza, 14 year old Crabbet Arabian gelding

Carl Zwanzig: "Duct tape is like the Force. It has a light side, a dark
side, and it holds the universe together...."


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