ridecamp@endurance.net: Scratches / Nothing to Ignore

Scratches / Nothing to Ignore

Tue, 8 Jul 1997 00:57:12 -0400 (EDT)

After many bouts with this problem.. I found the best solution to be good old
Homeopathic medcine.


this is the lowest cost and easy to make as a tinture.

grow the flowers.. pick in afternoon..
soak in grain alcohol.. for a few days .. strain keep in refridg.

mix about a OZ of this base with baby oil and or ALOE JUICE.. thin enough to
spray.. make about 16 oz.

Clean the affected areas with ioduine soap and rinse well..dry
spray the mix on..
do it every day sometimes 3x per day..
I dont wash with soap once its under control.
Takes about 3 days.. if you get it early..

Once cleared up I spray a coating on every day to prevent infection.

Other fixes. CALENDULA ont or tinture
HYPERicum onit /tint
Can feed the horse some pills of either of these.. I use 30c..Calen

A very good product from Hilton Herb...PHYTOBALM works great also .. use on
scratches, cuts, rain rot ear crud..

made from calendula-hypericum, tea tree oil, honey propolis vit e

we of course carry the above stuff..
you have to grow your own flowers...

This treatment really does work well.
Roger R

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