ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Rest Time between rides

Re: Rest Time between rides

Truman Prevatt (truman.prevatt@netsrq.com)
Tue, 24 Jun 1997 12:58:51 -0400

>My horse and I have just completed our 2nd 50 mile ride
>this year and we have another ride in 3 weeks. I was
>wondering how long a rest period should I give my mare
>till the next ride and when I do ride her about how many
>times should I take her out??
>This is our first year competing in 59 mile rides.
A lot depends on a) age of the horse, b) experience of the horse,
c) the speed at which you ridel, d) how the horse is looking/acting e) the

When I do rides this close together I tend to just let the horse rest with
some easy conditioning rides (maybe twice a week) to just keep the horse
sharp and keep the horse from turning into an idoit at the start of the
next ride. This all assumes the horse came through the last ride in tip
top shape. With my particular horses, I'd be more concerned that the horse
would try to become an uncontrollable blur if he didn't have a little work
than to promote better conditioning.

If I were doing hard rides, I'd probably let the horse rest for a week or
two and just easy riding till the next ride. But as usual, in my case,

My $0.02 work

Truman Prevatt
Mystic "The Horse form Hell" Storm with a lille hellion on the way
The Rockman, a.k.a Misty Jr.
Jordy - Finaly getting his shot

Sarasota, FL

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