ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Ride results/ Germany

Re: Ride results/ Germany

Terry Woolley Howe (twhowe@inetworld.net)
Mon, 16 Jun 1997 07:45:27 -0700 (PDT)

As a ride manager, I am curious as to how much you charge riders to
participate in your ride and what some of your costs are. How many vets you
need and what they charge? If you are putting up tents and so forth, it
would seem that you have a lot of costs and with only 30 riders, it would
seem difficult to generate enough money to pay for everything. What does a
ride entry there provide for the rider (dinner, completion award, etc.) Do
you have to pay a fee when you use government land? Is there a charge for
your basecamp? etc.

Actually, I would be interested to hear from ride managers in all parts of
the world as to what the entry fees are and so forth, and what the rider
gets for that. Whether the rides are supported with donations from local
businesses, etc. Whether the ride management loses money, etc. You know,
all the things that the rides in the States are plagued with.

Terry Woolley Howe
San Diego, California

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