ridecamp@endurance.net: Vet scoring system

Vet scoring system

Niccolai Murphy (hlurphy@socal.wanet.com)
Wed, 11 Jun 1997 07:06:50 -0700

I wonder if the vetscoring system is too lopsided. You always hear about
horses scoring all A's or A+'s. Even old Hal has manged that once and
never does worse than a B+ overall. This seems to limit the utility of
the vet check to the rider. It seems that an A should be difficult to
get, C should be average, E means you horse's legs are going to fall off
and an F means that your horse's legs have already fallen off but you
didn't notice the reason for the smoothness in gait.

Perhaps this is because riders take vet scores personally. I recall one
vet being referred to as the butcher, because he scored harser than the
other vets at a ride, does this attitude make vets gun shy? Or is it
because all the horses out there are so well prepared that they only
show A's until something catastrophic happens and the go kaput? What say
you all?

Open the pod bay door please Hal.

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