ridecamp@endurance.net: Saddle Rigging Question

Saddle Rigging Question

Bonnie Snodgrass (snodgrab@ncr.disa.mil)
Tue, 10 Jun 97 07:21:41 EST

I own a Sport Saddle which pretty much has center fire rigging (I hope
I've termed that right, it's early and my mind isn't functioning well
yet). This places the cinch too far back for Finns conformation.
Because of his extremely round barrel the cinch creeps forward and the
saddle follows. Problem is worse when grass is plentiful (what my
horse fat?!). I'm putting my extra wide flank cinch back on the saddle
which helps hold it in place and hold the main cinch back a bit but
would like to come up with a better solution. I'm not blaming the
Sport Saddle mind you just my beefy horse's build.

*** My question is: are there any custom endurance saddles out there
that have the option of moving the rigging forward when they are being
built? Anyone seen a dual cinch saddle?

For those of you who told me last year that his shape would change and
he'd develop more prominent withers, etc, HAH! He's gotten wider,
flatter, wider, rounder and did I mention wider? Oh my aching hips!

Bonnie Snodgrass

(Want some cheese with that wine?)

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