ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Giving Own Shots

Re: Giving Own Shots

Kimberly Henneman (vuduvet@utah-inter.net)
Wed, 4 Jun 1997 08:51:32 +0100

The important thing about rhino is the individual susceptibility of the
horse. Wisconsin vet school is no longer recommending the 5,7,9 month
vaccs in preggie mares due to concerns of over-vaccination and
immune-mediated problems later with the foal. What they do now is boost
once a year before breeding or do an antibody level and if the mare has
protective levels, no need to boost. There is a lot of research in the
little animals and some starting in the big animals that we have been
over-vaccinating and vaccines are not the totally innocuous things we were
led to believe. They have a place, but like antibiotics and steroids have
been greatly over-used and over-depended on.

All my geldings (and my mare) have antibodies to rhino...so they don't get
it as part of their vaccination schedule.

Kim Henneman, DVM

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