ridecamp@endurance.net: acupressure points

acupressure points

Wed, 7 May 1997 10:40:31 -0400 (EDT)

Kris, you ask about acupressure points causing a strong reaction on an
otherwise sound back. My experience with this same thing (again with Dr.
Peggy Fleming) is this. There are corresponding internal organ sites along
the back that will react when there is an imbalance in that area. One mare of
mine reacted at the liver site and another at the ovary site. I think(!)
there is also a sight for spleen and other organs that a good acupuncture vet
could explain better than I. Dr. Peggy treats these reactive sites with
acupuncture and at the end of treatment she will retest them and the areas
are then non-reactive. It is awesome.
Please excuse my layman's attempt at an explanation. This is just my
experience. Hope this helps some.

Donna in Altoona

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