ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Feed supplements

Re: Feed supplements

Thu, 17 Apr 1997 01:53:31 -0400 (EDT)

Kim, I know what you mean! All these products on the market make you feel
like you're depriving your horse if you don't feed at least a few of them.
Suprisingly though I have managed to stay away from most of them so far. Our
horses are all still pretty young (under 10) and don't have any problems
(knock on wood...). I've tried a couple different supplements (I guess just
for my own peace of mind) but I actually get so confused that I prefer to
stick with the good old rule that you shouldn't fix anything that ain't
broke. The only one I've been feeding continously for the past 2 years is
Source (mixed with some grain) because the 2 Arabians as well as the 2 Fox
Trotters seem to really benefit from it (strong and healthy overall, for
example they all have extremly good hooves) and it doesn't cost me a fortune.
Other than that we feed a good quality hay (alfalfa and oat), have fresh
water and mineral salt available at all times and have a strict worming
I started with limited distance rides last year with one of the Arabs and
I'm planning on doing our first 50 mile ride in Mai. I know that once you get
up into the more competitve field you need to pay more attention to the
specific needs of the individual horse. It would be interesting to actually
hear from the experts on this list which supplements they are using and

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